Who can access this fund?

This fund is for anyone who should not go to work because they are sick, but is worried about the financial risk of doing so. We will not require documentation of your workplace, but trust that those accessing the fund are in need of immediate support.

How many times can I apply?

You can apply as many times as you would like, but for right now, we can give out a maximum of $500 per person. This may change depending on how much money we have access to!

How much can I apply for?

You let us know how much money you will be losing by taking the time off work, and we will do our best to give you as much as possible, up to $500 total. This maximum may change depending on donations we receive and the demand on the fund.

When will I receive funds?

We are aiming to be fast at processing the requests. The delay depends on how much money we receive, when we can process your request, and how urgently you say you need your money. We are hoping for between 2-5 days for each request, and we will try our best to be as fast as possible.